Linda Carone Jazz Vocalist


Linda Carone

Vintage Jazz and Blues Vocalist

Linda Carone Vintage Jazz and Blues

Toronto Canada live music

Linda Carone jazz vocalist singer artist




WHY IS A GOOD MAN SO HARD TO FIND? ... the ongoing question - for some. It's also the title of one of the songs on my album and the name of my latest video creation. I am very passionate about this song as it was recorded by one of my biggest influences and inspirations in jazz, LIL HARDIN ARMSTRONG (1898 – 1971). She may be the second wife to Louis Armstrong but she is the real ‘First Lady of JAZZ’.  LILLIAN plays piano and sings on mostly all of her recordings – however this particular 1940 recording it is the voice of Midge Williams you hear with Lil at the piano. The LYRICS were transcribed from the original ‘WHY IS A GOOD GIRL SO HARD TO FIND?’ written by Jimmie Davis in the same year. So, I guess the question goes on for the MEN too!

Early PR photo of Lil Armstrong

Early PR photo of Lil Armstrong

The 1940’s version with Lil "Brown Gal" Armstrong and Her Dixielanders, who recorded in New York on Decca Records – March 18, 1940 to TODAY in 2018… the question lingers on. The version on the album 'Black Moonlight' is a little different as you will hear ...and see the music video. Now the video.. ouph! A labour of love for this artist who with more time than budget found an opportunity to learn & create my own music video. Much time was spent designing the lyrical animations that enhance the visuals. Of course, the editing takes quite a bit of time in itself. Luckily on this video I had Sergio Spadavecchia, the man behind the camera to film me, whereas in some of my early videos I had no other option but to film myself! Yikes. But as one who has always been resourceful, I learn to work with what I have. 

I hope to revive interest in the musicians, composers and vocalists that I’ve chosen to cover on this debut album. As for Lil, she was such a talent who lived somewhat in the shadows of Louis, and I feel she deserves to be noticed, recognized and brought to the limelight just like Louis had because LIL SLAYED IT!  Won’t you join me in honouring and remembering her on her upcoming birth date this February 3rd, by sharing this video and her songs.

I usually include her music in my live performances as I have quite a few of her songs in my repertoire. You will catch a little rare glimpse of her, as part of my honouring her in this video. Here in Canada we celebrate Black History Month and I do hope she is included somewhere in the memoires. Thank You for watching. xo


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