Linda Carone Jazz Vocalist


Linda Carone

Vintage Jazz and Blues Vocalist

Linda Carone Vintage Jazz and Blues

Toronto Canada live music

Linda Carone jazz vocalist singer artist



New Single to be released!

HEY GUYS, I am so excited to be going into the studio to record a new single.. and this one is gonna rock!! It’s a really fun tune featuring amazing + beautiful musicians and I can’t wait to share it with you, but first order of business is to FUND THIS BABY.

Before the official release, there is a LOTS TO DO ! Besides hiring all the musicians, studio recording and mixing fees, there’s marketing, promotions, photo, videos and so on.


in the Fund Me section you’ll see a number of options to choose from, ranging from ONE dollar and upwards — each option includes a digital download of the song once it’s READY! ———— Also, my CD Black Moonlight is NOW IN STOCK – something you can only purchase from me.

and there is more FUN TO COME... I’ve been busily creating merchandise as part of my PRE-LAUNCH CAMPAIGN in order to OFFER something fun FOR YOU 👉🏽 which SOON will be revealed. I really hope you’ll take part in this little adventure with me and whichever way you decide to partake, I’ll be sharing your photos or what have you if you don't mind, on my social media. 📸

best way to STAY IN TOUCH and get first dibs on MERCH –is to FOLLOW ME on my facebook MUSIC page




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